LinkedIn Is Making Changes – 5 Features You Need to Know About

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LinkedIn has announced several new platform updates for 2023, which could aid in your social media marketing, recruiting and more. We’ve outlined the most beneficial features for professional services firms below, and how you can leverage each for your business. Video Accessibility The change: Following the lead of other social platforms, such as Instagram and […]

How to Create an Email Newsletter People Actually Read

We are firm believers in the power of email newsletters. The benefits are innumerable – it keeps you top of mind among your network, positions you as a thought leader, drives people to your website and more. However, most people make the mistake of assuming everyone on your list opens your newsletter and cares about […]

Why Gating Content May Not Be a Winning Strategy After All

For years, gating content has been a standard marketing strategy used by millions of companies, including the legal industry. For those who are not familiar with the term “gated content,” it’s simply requiring website visitors to fill out a form in order to obtain online material, such as articles, white papers, etc. However, as the […]

Want Media Coverage? Here’s How to Get It

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Want Media Coverage? Here’s How to Get It A recent survey revealed that journalists only respond to about 3% of media pitches they receive and fewer than 8% of pitches become stories. Despite these low percentages, you shouldn’t shy away from seeking press coverage as it comes with significant marketing benefits. Being quoted by an […]

Nine Marketing Resolutions for the New Year


New Year’s resolutions are the new Santa Claus: they’re a nice idea, fun to contemplate, but we all know they don’t really exist. By day seven of the new year, resolutions have fallen by the wayside. So, why write an article about New Year’s resolutions for your marketing? Because “resolution” isn’t just something you make […]