How old is too old?

A colleague passed out an award reprint at a networking event after giving a presentation about his services. While it was a nice reprint – his face on the cover, four-color, glossy stock – I immediately noticed the date.  He received the award more than five years ago but that in itself was not the issue. The award recognized him as a “rising star.” His presentation positioned him as a seasoned professional, which was at odds with the reprint. It also made me wonder what he had done since then; was this his only success in the past five years?

When distributing marketing materials – article reprints, award one-sheets, etc. – consider if they are doing more harm than good in terms of promoting your expertise and experience. Being dated doesn’t necessarily mean you shouldn’t distribute if it’s still a relevant topic or a very prestigious award, but it’s something that should certainly be considered.


– By Berbay Senior Account Manager Beth Miller

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