When exhibiting at a conference, it is important to plan ahead. If not, there are a number of things that can go wrong the day of the conference. Oftentimes, the exhibitor information that is given to you prior to the conference is unclear about what you have actually purchased. For example, just because you purchased booth space, you cannot assume it will include pertinent supplies, such as a table, chairs, waste basket, electricity, etc.
Another common mistake is when people try to bring or ship their own supplies to the conference, when in fact you must purchase your supplies through the third-party vendor that conference organizer has chosen to work with.
It’s important to be diligent about ordering supplies ahead of time, contacting the conference organizer to clarify what is provided so when conference day comes around, your firm and team are prepared and ready to take advantage of the marketing opportunity.
For more information on other important details when exhibiting, read the three-part series on exhibiting written by Sharon Berman.
-By Berbay Senior Account Manager Megan Braverman