The client
A prominent plaintiffs’ trial law firm
The challenge
A prominent plaintiffs’ trial law firm was preparing to file a complaint relating to the misuse of local and state governmental funds. Their client expressed interest in creating state awareness of the issue at hand.
The work
We created media visibility in preparation for the lawsuit filing by crafted public relations strategy that supported our client’s litigation strategy. We started by developing key communication points from both our client and the plaintiff and crafted a press release to distribute to a targeted list of media. In order to employ the power of public opinion, we executed a press conference in order to garner attention from the broadcast outlets, which reinforces credibility through media validation. Berbay also prepared the litigators and the litigation with communication techniques for effective media interaction.
The result
Our client gained national media coverage from major news outlets, including Los Angeles Times, MarketWatch, Bloomberg Business and more. As a direct result from the media attention the press conference gained, our client was able to obtain a meeting with the appropriate government contacts in order to discuss the issues listed in the complaint and alternative remedies.