Episode 43
Larry Kohn is president of Kohn Communications, a firm specializing in assisting lawyers and law firms in acquiring new clients. Founded in 1983, the firm has worked with lawyers from more than 1,000 firms and Larry has personally conducted over 33,000 individual coaching sessions, pioneering the training technique now known as executive coaching.
Larry is the developer of the unique web app, BizDevCoach.com, which uses a combination of tutorial and technology to help professionals plan and implement an effective business development strategy. He is the co-author of Selling in Your Comfort Zone (Safe and Effective Strategies for Developing New Clients) and Selling with Honor (Strategies for Selling Without Selling Your Soul). Larry has also authored and co-authored more than 60 articles about marketing and management.
As a regular speaker, Larry has presented to dozens of bar associations across the country, the Association of Legal Administrators and the Legal Marketing Association. He also spoke at the State Bar of California Annual Convention for 19 consecutive years.
What you’ll learn in this episode:
- Why selling is a learnable skill.
- Why firms should consider hiring an external business development coach rather than using internal staff.
- What it means to build a strong community of allies and sell with honor.
- Recommendations for lawyers who feel stuck in their business development.
- How the BizDevCoach app works and how it positions lawyers for success.
Additional resources:
- Website: www.bizdevcoach.com
- Website: www.kohncommunications.com
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/lawrencekohn/