Would you like to quickly increase your revenue, boost visibility and earn more credibility? When searching for marketing & PR services, law firms trust the experts at Berbay.
If you are a lawyer or a member of a practice group from a large or small law firm, then you should meet the team of experts at Berbay to learn more about our law firm public relations services. We’ve been the driving force behind law PR in two capacities:
- As the outside marketing department leading in marketing & PR initiatives.
- Supporting your in-house marketing director and/or other marketing efforts.
When you engage Berbay to work on promoting your law firm, there is no learning curve; after more than two decades, our professionals know the legal industry and target markets like you know your practice areas. You’re the expert in the law; we’re the experts in legal marketing and PR. You advocate for your clients; we advocate for you. Here’s how we can do it for you: