The debate on how to obtain the most opens for your electronic newsletter will likely never see an end; however, you can see how your statistics stack up against those for your respective industry. Email service provider Constant Contact, published this list of industry averages to help business owners compare open rates with those of various industries. The average open rate overall falls somewhere between 18 and 22 percent, with non-profit religious organizations receiving the highest open rate.
Below are a few tips for increasing open rates:
- Create a contact list of those who didn’t open your email – This allows you to proactively target those who didn’t open. Constant Contact makes this very easy to do with one click.
- Send a modified version of your previous email – While you don’t want to resend the same exact piece, consider how you can modify the content and subject line to attract more attention.
- Re-engage potentially uninterested readers – A survey is a great way to get feedback from your audience about the type of content they find valuable. A discount or special offer is also a great way to re-engage folks.
- Be provocative – Think of a clever, catchy subject line that will entice readers to open. It doesn’t always have to directly relate to the content inside –get creative!
- Try a different day/time – Forget your theory of always sending on the same day and the same time. Next time around, try a different day and see what the results are.
With so many distractions and platforms to receive news in today’s world, it’s virtually impossible to capture everyone’s attention, but by getting creative, you can significantly increase your chances.