Episode 16
Beth Cuzzone is the Chief Business Growth Officer for Goulston & Storrs in the firm’s Boston office. She has more than 25 years of legal marketing and sales experience, and is known for her first-to-market initiatives. In addition to her role at Goulston & Storrs, an AmLaw 200 firm, Beth is the co-founder of the Legal Sales and Service Organization (LSSO). LSSO delivers the education and resources that lawyers and those who work with them need to improve their sales and client service skills.
What you’ll learn in this episode:
- What surprising results LSSO found in a survey of law firm marketing professionals.
- Why marketing and business development/sales teams are converging within many law firms, and why this trend is set to continue.
- How the merger of marketing and business development is empowering content selling to drive client acquisition.
- Why product knowledge and understanding your firm’s pressure points are critical for fulfilling your role in marketing.
Ways to contact Beth:
- Website: www.goulstonstorrs.com
- Website: www.legalsales.org
- Twitter: @BethCuzzone
- Infographic