See Things Through Your Clients’ Eyes: Look Up!

All the literature on customer service instructs you to see things through your clients’ eyes in order to provide the best experience to them. A colleague of mine told me a story that perfectly illustrates the wisdom of that instruction. He was scheduled for a medical procedure that had to be performed twice. The first […]

The Importance of Continuing Professional Development

After graduating college, we assume the remainder of our education will take place in the office, which in a sense holds true. However, working in the same environment, with the same people, doing similar tasks day after day, month after month, hardly yields consistent growth. Instead, it can create a plateau in our development. When […]

In the Loop

Not being in the know can be extremely frustrating regardless of who you are in a particular situation – a business professional, a traveler or a customer. On a recent United Airlines flight on my way back to Los Angeles, we were held on the runway for nearly an hour after landing because they didn’t […]

The Psychology Behind Good Web Design and Client Behavior

In order to increase the influence you have on your client’s mindset, you need to employ psychologically-conscious design in your website. This means providing subtle design cues, which can mean all the difference in conversion rates and developing repeat clients. Creating a sense of urgency and security should be a goal in crafting a successful […]