Measuring Content Marketing with Google Analytics

Content marketing is defined as a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content. This content will attract and retain a clearly-defined audience, and ultimately drive profitable customer action.

For law firms, content marketing is essential in creating a successful thought leadership campaign. However, it can be difficult to convince lawyers of the effectiveness of their content marketing pieces without the metrics to prove it. Luckily, Google Analytics can tell us more than just what pages are the most popular; it shows us behavior patterns, who the audience is, and who is sharing.

  • The number of page views goes hand-in-hand with the time spent on each page. If your article gets 500 views, but the time spent on that page is less than a minute, it means that readers are not interested in the content. On the other hand, if your article gets 100 views, with an average time of 5 minutes, it means readers are engaging in the content.
  • It’s great if 100 people are taking the time to read your article, but not if it’s the wrong audience. The ISP of visitors to your site indicates the companies that are engaging in your content.
  • This shows you where your visitors originated from, such as social media platforms, search engines, or website links. Digging deeper, this feature shows which social media sites are garnering the most clicks and which keywords are generating the most interest.

This is only scratching the surface. Google Analytics collects a vast amount of data; much of which you can use to prove ROI in your content marketing campaign. Regardless of the results, it’s important to tailor your content marketing pieces in order to attract and retain your target audience.

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